Thursday, October 30, 2014

Can It be Money-and-Treating??

Today I feel like ranting about Halloween, since it's tomorrow. As a kid I absolutely loved it. An excuse to play dress-up and get a TON of free candy?? Yes, please! It's every kid's dream. Now that I'm older, but not quite old enough for a family of my own, I discovered that I feel like I'm in a limbo of sorts.

Let me explain. I am too old to go trick-or-treating, but I have no kids to take trick-or-treating. Also, who wants to put time and money into dressing up as something I'm not? We literally walk around trying to be someone we're not. If you really think about the concept of Halloween, it's really dumb. Sorry to all those who think Halloween is the best holiday ever, but I think I'm entitled to my own opinion, right?

However, how cool would it be if instead of trick-or-treating, it was money-and-treating--specifically for college students that is! We get free money and treats. Probably the greatest idea ever. I'm sure Bill Gates or Warren Buffet could easily spare a couple thousand for some poor students. I don't think I even need to explain the treats part. Treats are essential to life, so we should always have them.

Anyways, sorry for the ranting...


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Like a Dream

As I promised last week, I'm gonna fill you in on my road trip to Colorado from last week. The fact that I showed up was supposed to be a complete surprise for my sister Ashley. She thought only Chelsea, another one of my sisters, was coming. However, she thought it was so weird that I wasn't planning on coming, so she kind of suspected something. It was still a surprise nonetheless. And yes, I tried to capture the actual event of me surprising her in this video. It didn't work out too well haha.
I think you get the gist of what happened though. It was a joyous reunion. We even made the cutest wreaths for all of our homes. Mine is a cute Christmas one--gotta have those holiday decorations! Probably one of my favorite parts about the trip was spending time with my niece Zoe. She is literally the cutest thing on this planet. Zoe has the greatest personality and is such a well-tempered baby. Here's a video of her climbing on me one morning while I was still waking up. The cutest. 
I was so sad to leave on that Sunday. The trip was waaaay too short. It was so nice to just relax, do whatever we wanted, and hang with some of my sisters. It would have been even better if our fourth sister, Sarah, was there. Then it would have been the perfect weekend. We can't have everything in life I guess. Overall, the road trip was much needed, and I'm so glad I went. 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Random Act of Kindness

I was given an actual assignment for my blogging topic this week. I had to buy something for a random stranger and give it to him or her. This is kind of weird when you think back to growing up and how we were taught to not talk to strangers. Now I'm required to buy something for one? However, I was actually excited to do this. I've always wanted to perform a random act of kindness for someone. You always hear those stories of someone receiving a $100 bill or getting their groceries paid for. Obviously this wasn't as drastic, seeing as I'm a poor college student. However, I still enjoyed it just the same.

So I was at Smith's this evening. I had to pick up some stuff for a road trip I'm leaving on tomorrow (which will be my topic for next week's post). While I was there, I picked up some classic Starburst from the checkout lane. A simple task, but still out of the ordinary. As I was leaving the store, I was observing everyone around me. Who should I give it to? Who needs this? Is that kid even old enough for this candy? I left the store still holding my recently purchased Starburst. As I walked towards my car, I noticed a teenage employee collecting carts. It's a dark Wednesday night and she has to work. No fun. I approached this girl. She was a little unsure why I would need to talk to her, but she stopped walking either way. I explained how I have an assignment for school to buy something for a stranger. So I handed over the pack of Starburst and wished her a good night. 

I have no idea if that small act even had an affect on her, but I enjoyed doing it. I guess I should try to do things like that more often.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Day of Birth

Tomorrow is the day! The day I celebrate my day of birth, womb emancipation, MY day! I'm so excited to turn 21. I feel so old now. Even though I am hundreds of miles away from my family, my friends make up for it. My two best friends, Allie and Emily, always know what to do to make my birthday special. We have a tradition between the three of us that we do a "birthday weekend." Essentially an excuse for us to party for more than just one day :) This year, we went to dinner with all of my roommates and our friend Aimee to JCW's for some iconic burgers, fries, and shakes. You can never go wrong with that. Then we drove up Provo Canyon to a spot for a fire! What a blast. They invited a bunch of my friends, and we had a good time playing around, talking, and roasting Starbursts. A few of us went hot tubbing afterwards to try and rid of the campfire smell from ourselves. That smell never seems to leave...
Today, however, I am doing homework all day so I can relax and enjoy my actual day of birth tomorrow. Tomorrow night even more people are coming over for cake and virgin drinks! I mean, it's my 21st...I gotta do something! Needless to say, I'm excited for tomorrow and excited for what the next year of my life will bring.

Friday, October 3, 2014

All Grown Up

For some reason, the past few weeks of school have felt like I've been forced to grow up. Not that I am any more grown up than I was before, but I feel like I've had to make more mature decisions. Yesterday I was encouraged to visit the Career Fair at BYU to talk to companies about getting an internship for next summer. I'm gonna be honest here: doing an internship terrifies me! I'm only (almost) twenty-one and I already have to go work in the big bad world! WHAT?! It doesn't seem real. I remember my older brother Brandon did one when I was still in grade school, but he was married and had two kids already! But what do you do? I know it will be such a great experience whatever I end up doing. I can't decide if I want to stay in Utah, go do one back home in St. Louis, or go somewhere totally random! The companies that seemed the most promising at the Career Fair have internships located in Utah, so from that perspective, I guess I'm staying here. But I'm not gonna let myself freak out today, I'm going to yet another BYU football game tonight! We are playing Utah State so it should be a good one.

Meanwhile, enjoy my favorite Miranda Sings video. She's great.
