Saturday, November 29, 2014


I could easily do the cliche "What I'm Thankful For" post this week, but I'm not. The title of this post is a common phrase among the young people of America. We complain about something and realize how ridiculous it is. For example, when I came home from my grandma's house yesterday, I was trying to fit the food she gave me in the fridge. I barely got it all in. What a bummer having too much food! That is a true #firstworldproblem. This morning I went grocery shopping even though I clearly have enough food. The food I do have is mainly dinner stuff, so I HAD to go get items for lunches. Sheesh. I should never complain about hunger ever again.

I will say one thing I'm grateful for: how wonderful my life is. I am surrounded by wonderful people who love me and want the best for me. I never go hungry, unclothed, or homeless. I have the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life, and the knowledge that I will be with my family forever! What more could I possibly need?

Happy Holidays y'all.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Walking on Sunshine

Regardless of the cold and wet weather outside, I am so happy today. It wasn't always this way. The day started off as any normal busy Saturday: grocery shopping, HOMEWORK, and other odds and ends I have to take care of. I was mentally preparing myself to study the rest of the morning and early afternoon for my Stats 121 test I had to take today. I went to the library on campus and studied for a few hours. The time came for me to take my test, and I still didn't fell ready. Unfortunately, I had no choice in the matter. I have an interview on Monday during the only other time I could take this test. So I walked into the testing center, grabbed a snack, got my test, sat down, and took the test.

After finishing, I felt okay about the test. As I descended the stairs to view my score, I braced myself for getting a C on the scantron portion. I got to the TV screen showing test scores and looked for my ID number. As I look at my score, what do I see? The word "fantastic"? Oh my word. I got a 97 percent!!!! Say what?! I quickly left that testing center unable to wipe the smile off my face. Needless to say, I'm pretty stoked about it. As the Imagine Dragons song says, I am indeed "on top of the world"!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

For the Beauty of the Earth

This week's post is kind of on the random side. It's also about weather, which is usually a topic for awkward small talk. I think this was brought about because we had our first snowfall of the season! Exciting, but also depressing. Exciting because it makes it feel even more like Christmas, but depressing because cold weather in Utah lasts till almost April.

The point of this post is to talk about how I have learned to appreciate the beauty of this earth more and more while living in Utah. During the summer I had the chance to go hiking, camping, kayaking, and other random adventures. While doing these things I was surrounded by the gorgeous mountains, trees, and everything nature! It was breathtaking. Then fall happened with all its vibrant colors and crunchy leaves. Now it's winter and I can't wait to enjoy the snow-covered mountains.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Bring on the Holidays!

As I lie here on my bed listening to Christmas music at the beginning of November, I feel I need to confess something: I LOVE Christmas. I mean, people generally have the same feelings towards Christmas, but I am obsessed. Hence, I started listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween. Yep, I'm one of those people. Here's my reasoning for it: Why only listen for only one month to some of the greatest music ever, if you can listen for TWO months. It's really a genius plan in my mind. I just love the holidays.

Classic Charlie Brown Christmas
I guess another huge part of my love for Christmas is that I finally so many excuses to blow off normal life and be with family. I love any excuse to get out of Provo or be with my family. This year I will have no immediate family in Utah to spend Thanksgiving with, and so I will be spending the holiday with some extended family congregating in Spanish Fork. It will be such a good time. I don't know why we love shoving our faces full of food, but we do it year after year and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Well this will not be the first post I do about the holidays, so prepare yourself. heehee
